Emotional Strengthening
Action based emotional healing and growth
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Is What's Inside Weighing You Down? Let's Unpack That Backpack
What is the Grief Recovery Method
The Grief Recovery Method is a 7-week program consisting of specifically designed steps to help you recover from major loss. The Grief Recovery Method is an action-based program that gives you the tools, space, and support to complete the unfinished business generated by any loss and allow you, the griever, to return to a full state of “aliveness”.
Is Grief Recovery Only For Those Coping With Death Of a Loved One?
Grief recovery is more than just a tool to deal with the death of a loved one. In fact, many of our clients come to us to deal with feelings of being “stuck” and incomplete due to turbulent relationships from their past and present (i.e. with parents, significant others, etc). These relationships can lead to a loss of identity, trust, or safety and require Grief Recovery to become complete with the loss and make peace with the relationships.
What Kind Of Events Lead To Grief?
There are over 43 losses that are considered Grief. Some examples include:
Loss of faith/trust/safety/identity
Loss of health
Pet Loss
Changes in career
Childhood abuse/neglect
Break ups of a romantic relationships
What Does It Mean To "Recover" From Grief?
For most grievers, recovery means:
Acknowledging and releasing unworkable patterns in your life by identifying where these patterns began
Healing painful relationships so you can finally be able to create lasting and positive change
Finding new meaning for living, without the fear of being hurt again
Being able to enjoy fond memories without having them turn painful
Acknowledging that it is perfectly all right to feel sad from time to time and to talk about those feelings no matter how those around you react
Acquiring the skills we should have been taught as a child that allow us to deal with loss directly and completely
Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information we’ve learned about dealing with loss is intellectual. Although our Grief Support Programs involve some educational elements, effective Grief Recovery must deal with your broken heart, which requires emotional support instead of intellectual explanations.
While children instinctively know how to grieve normally and naturally, they are often not given the space to talk openly and honestly with the adults around them and process through their emotions as they come up. This is largely due to the sad but true fact that parents and caregivers although well intended are not educated themselves on what healthy grieving is. For example, in an effort to help or shield children from grief, they try to “be strong” for their children rather than being emotionally honest. Since children learn and model their behavior by what they see around them, they begin to stuff their feelings rather than process them in a healthy way.
While children instinctively know how to grieve normally and naturally, they are often not given the space to talk openly and honestly with the adults around them and process through their emotions as they come up. This is largely due to the sad but true fact that parents and caregivers although well intended are not educated themselves on what healthy grieving is. For example, in an effort to help or shield children from grief, they try to “be strong” for their children rather than being emotionally honest. Since children learn and model their behavior by what they see around them, they begin to stuff their feelings rather than process them in a healthy way.
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